Ross Lynch Wiki


Calling All Users!

Hey guy, Red here. I know that I said I was going to be on this wiki, and unfortunately I haven't been. It's not that I necessarily forgot about it, it's just that I'm pretty busy now that summer's over, so I don't have as much time as I usually do.

One thing I really know is that this wiki is super underdeveloped and we need a lot of users to really make this place a community. We already have a lot of amazing user on here, just... not that many. So, in order to increase the number of users who'd be willing to help out, we really need to get the word flowing. So I have a challenge for you guys:

Those who are able to "recruit" the most people will be put in a raffle (if not guaranteed) for admin rights. The more people you get on here, the hi…

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Hello new and old wiki-ers! My name is Red Compassion, Red Love, Red Hate but a lot of people just call me Red (it's so much shorter). I know that some of you have just discovered this wiki, whereas some of you have been on for ages (and watched as I practically abandoned this place), but that stops here.

I want to apologize to you older users because I have been preoccupied with other wikis and other things outside of the internet (aka: Life). But now, I’m committing myself to this wiki (for the most part). I am starting anew, and with that comes more users, more admins, more rollbacks, (possibly chat mods if it is decided that having chat would be beneficiary to the wiki), and a much more involved wiki.

I want this wiki to be a give and ta…

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